Principal's Blog - 25 May Update

Dear Members of the ÐÔÊÓ½ç Grammar Community,

We look forward to recommencing school based operations this week and have put in place a number of measures to protect the health of students and staff.

• Tuesday 26 May, 2020 students in Prep, Years 1, 2, 10, 11 and 12 will return to school and their offsite, online learning program will cease. On arrival at school, students are to go directly to their classroom or Tutorial room. It is Day 7 of the timetable
• Online and offsite learning arrangements continue for students in Years 3 – 9 until Tuesday 9 June

Arrangements for return to school

Drop off and pick up areas, parents coming on site

  • For students driven to school, there are no changes to drop off arrangements, Junior School parents may use drop off areas along Foundation Drive, parents are asked not to leave their cars
  • Senior School students to be dropped off along Kalinda Road or in Sports Complex carpark and students then walk into school and to locker areas
  • Parents, carers are not to come on site unless essential
  • Buses will drop off and pick up in the same areas as before the period of offsite learning
  • It will be critically important to avoid traffic congestion at the School at drop off and pick up times


  • Students are asked not to attend school if they are unwell, including having flu like symptoms. Parents, carers are to advise the School office of student absence
  • Hands are to be washed and sanitized regularly throughout the school day. (Sanitizer is in each classroom)
  • Students will be asked to sanitize their hands before and after all classes where shared equipment or resources may be used and then to wipe their work area after use, ahead of the next class
  • Students are not to shake hands, hug or high-five and maintain social distancing whenever possible
  • Students may have their temperatures checked at the Health Centre if they experience flu like symptoms or feel unwell during the school day
  • Staff will maintain social distancing protocols


  • Masks can be worn as required. Students are encouraged to wear them on public transport

Locker areas and being at lockers

  • Students are asked to take a common sense approach and not crowd the locker area
  • Students must take books and resources at the one time for periods 1 & 2; after recess for periods 3 & 4 and at the end of lunch for period 5 – students can only access their lockers between the abovementioned periods if they have had practical PE
  • Students may take a bag to classes with their required resources for each class

Buildings, Doors and Windows

  • All buildings have had a deep clean and sanitizing treatment
  • Wherever possible, windows will be open as well as main entry doors to buildings will be propped open
  • Similarly, internal doors will be unlocked and propped open for immediate student entry


  • Students are not to move any classroom furniture, including tables and chairs which have been set up to maximise social distancing
  • Students may enter the room and stand behind their table as soon as they arrive at the classroom


Research Centre, Library

  • The Pascoe and Carter Resource Centres are open
  • Returned borrowed books will be left for 48 hours before being returned to the shelves for future borrowing
  • Rooms will be deep cleaned daily


Physical Education practical classes

  • No change room access
  • Students to wear their ÐÔÊÓ½ç Grammar Sports uniform, including House Top to and from school on days when they have a practical PE class for the remainder of Term 2


  • There is no weekday timetabled or after school Sport or AGSV/APS Saturday competition this term
  • Details regarding Sport in Term 3 will be announced in due course


Yarra Cafe


  • No Junior School counter sales, lunch orders only
  • Counter sales for Senior School, lunch orders encouraged
  • There will be an Entry door only and Exit door only
  • Crosses on floor for queuing
  • Tables and chairs removed
  • Teacher on duty to manage student movement



  • Winter uniform is to be worn on resumption of onsite learning. All appearance requirements, including hair, jewellery, piercings, footwear, etc. are also to comply with school rules


Visitors, volunteers, others coming on site

  • All essential visitors to the School must report to Junior School or Main reception where they may be temperature checked

Education Support Fund

ÐÔÊÓ½ç Grammar responded to the potential of financial hardship to members of the School community, by introducing a 20% discount on fees to all families for Term 3 and 4, 2020. We hope that this discount provides some financial relief to families and allows time to trade out of a challenging situation. If you find that you are in a stronger position than many and can give to our newly established YVG Education Support Fund so we can assist School families in need, it would be greatly appreciated. For more information please visit www.yvg.vic.edu.au/donate. Please note that donations over $2 to the Fund are tax deductible.

As we spend the day planning for the remainder of the Term, we look forward to seeing many of our students back on campus tomorrow and all of our students back from June 9.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Mark Merry

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