Senior School Co-curricular Activities

Maintaining balance between study and lifestyle

Balance is so important during the senior years. Having been involved in co-curricular activities for many years by now, our senior students are active participants in a range of activities and competitions that ensure they maintain other interests during their final years of school. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of the school program, helping to build skills in time management and self-discipline, as well as providing opportunities for mixing and mentoring between year levels.

Sport and Outdoor Education

Sport continues through to Year 12 so students are assured of an active lifestyle. Sport provides another dimension to the School program, where students can spend time with friends, compete against students from other schools and remain active. Outdoor Education also continues through to Year 12 with the opportunity to choose VCE Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 Outdoor and Environmental Studies and to attend optional camps in specialist areas.

Performing Arts

Many students become involved in the extensive performing arts program in their early years at ÐÔÊÓ½ç Grammar and continue right through their senior years. Beyond the curriculum-based music program, there are many bands, orchestras and choral groups to join – some of which participate in performances and competitions around the country. Students can also participate in drama productions ranging from the large scale school musical to smaller productions, in a range of roles behind the scenes and as performers.

Other activities

Senior students can participate in public speaking competitions, including the DAV debating competition, as well as academic competitions, opportunities for writing, specialist art programs, and international tours and exchanges.


All senior students are considered the School’s leaders and a high standard of behaviour is expected. As whole School Captains, Senior School Captains, Captains of each of the four Houses, Leaders of Activities, Prefects, Peer Support Leaders, Supportive Friends and mentors, and leaders through their involvement in co-curricular activities, Senior School students provide leadership to the student body while also gaining valuable personal leadership experience.

The Connect Program

ÐÔÊÓ½ç Grammar believes in its young people developing positive and supportive relationships with others in a variety of contexts and circumstances. Our senior students are encouraged to look outside their personal sphere and give some of their individual time, efforts and energy to supporting, assisting or caring for others. Through the School’s Connect program, students may coach a junior sporting team, mentor an international student, work with disabled children or take on other community roles through the School’s Community Links program. The hours they devote are formally recognised by the School and many students choose to continue their community work beyond their school years returning to coach the School’s sports teams, act as academic Old Grammarian Mentors or support the School’s various Community Links programs.

International Exchange Programs

ÐÔÊÓ½ç Grammar has three sister school exchange programs and there are opportunities for students and families to be involved by travelling as part of a tour group to one of our sister schools or by hosting students from our sister schools who will be visiting us.

Carter Family Music Bursary

Each year, thanks to the generosity of the Carter family, two bursaries are made available to students to study in the YVG Music School. The intention of this bursary is to help students in Years 9-12 who otherwise could not afford to participate. For further information, please contact the Music Department on music.department@yvg.vic.edu.au. In October of any given year, if no applications have been received for the Carter Family Music Bursary, Awards of Merit will be given from the Fund to the top student(s) meeting the criteria.

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